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love her but i did have an issue when i toggle her stylized eyes her eye pupils got to the sides of her head 

Oh damn that's no good! If the pupils are misbehaving then the first thing I can suguest is having a look under the avatar descriptor, and in the eye look drop-down, check to see if the Rotation States match these numbers. 

(2 edits)

the eye bone positions in the armature line up with the error i think

Hmmm yes very strange. I just did a test on my end with a fresh project and wasnt able to replicate the issue. If you're sure the Eye Look setting match the values in the image I posted above, the next thing I could suguest is checking to make sure that the eye bone armatures rotation match the values below.

i checked everything and even added the enclosed numbers, same thing happens

Would you happen to be using eye/face tracking? Other than that, is the blinking still working, and do the eyes still move around and look at things when they're out of the head?